Saturday, April 25, 2009

The 4 letter 'L' word

Love is made up of 4 letters. Could it be a 4 letter nonsense or does it mean something? What would people do to fall in love? Do they think of the consequences 1st before getting into it? Consequences that proved to be fatal to the weakhearted, or the 'neverending relationship' for those who believed that its true and pure. Maybe there are things like that, but how many couples are living it? They say true love involves trust and faith for the both parties. i've seen many of my friends in love with what they thought was forever. Sadly after a month or 2 they gt a new 'love of their life'. I think they finally realised that those romance flicks arn't real at all. Many people want their love life like those shown in movies or film. What they might not know is that the director or the author is the 'god' of the whole story. Only they get to choose how the story line go, normally with a live happily ever after kind of ending. Then, couples in the cinema start to smooch like never before thinking maybe their 'neverending relationship' will end the same as the show did. Love, the 4 letter word maybe easy to spell or pronounce, it sure have a hellload of definations and meaning to it. There is another 4 letter word also start with the letter 'L' called Lust. Maybe people cant differentiate between both of them when they thought it was 'love a first sight'. Nonetheless, for those in love now, good luck (its a really good thing, cherish it). For those who are like me, i can only say that we are not that lucky.....sadly......

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