Saturday, June 8, 2013

thanks for the memories

i never thought that such simple occurrence can cause such grim impact on me.
why would good things happen and why does it have to end so abruptly?
i shouldnt have let my temptation got a hold of me that leads to this torment.
you really showed me what its like to be in a relationship.
i never felt so good before; i never felt so low before.
this torture is worth every second of your company.
i love you so painfully.
i can never see you again, never.
it just hurts so fucking bad.
why did you have to appear in my life?
but i'm glad it happened.
thanks for the memories.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


at some part of our relationship, i told myself that would be the exact moment that i'll miss when i'm not with you anymore

Monday, April 29, 2013


1111 was what u always message me wherever i was. As the time strikes 1109 on my watch, your 1111 message never fails to be in my inbox. I never know what it really meant, i've heard that wishes come true when the auspicious time arrive. Secretly i did wish for things, things for us although i din't really believe in all that kind of crap. I know i might never receive any more of 1111 from you, what i did was the best for both of us. You might not ever understand but one day when you find someone you truely deserves, someone who can satisfy whatever you want, someone who can do whatever i cant. 

I always thought that the differences in our lives will make up for what we lack, guess it was too much for us to take... We are like the time from both our world, mine will always be 1109 while your's strike 1111, i'll only always be the one chasing, and can never be what you want me to be. i am sorry

Monday, January 7, 2013


"act like your job is the most important thing in the world, but never forget that it's ultimately meaningless. all we are is dust in the wind, yada yada yada"